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Post 16 funding operates on a distinct formula, designed to be as simple as possible and only as complex as necessary, to adequately allocate funds based on lagged data from previous years. This system takes into account the recruitment of learners, the types of programs and aims being studied, the successful retention of students, and the levels of disadvantage among the students.
For many school leaders, Post 16 Funding may seem like a mysterious process, where the mechanisms and funding data that determine your allocation are obscured and unclear. Despite this, there is a growing understanding of the funding elements that underpin Post 16 funding allocations.
At Pro 16 Plus, we have deep insights into the relationship between primary census data and the processes that translate the data into funding elements. Our role as “Funding Mechanics” is to utilise our understanding of the philosophies, relationships, and processes at work in the Funding Allocation process to explore, manage, repair, and optimise the funding allocation system.
Based on recruitment
Based on Programme Hours
Based on “Completion” of Programme
Based on “Key” Elements of Programme
Based on Student “Attributes”
Review of various MI reports using techniques similar to the ESFA to identify potential funding issues.
Iterative reviews of census reports to ensure accurate data submission and maximise funding within ESFA Funding Guidance.
Full review of the ESFA Allocation statement and Toolkit.
Identification of issues and support in the preparation and submission of business cases.
The consequences of errors in funding data are significant, with the potential to cost institutions significant sums. Every year, new regulations, and changes to data impact funding, which is why our support package aims to minimise and mitigate these risks.
The maximum charge for our one-year standard support package is £1200 + VAT, and we offer individualised quotes and discounts for MATs or associations.
Post 16 Funding can be a complex and overwhelming area of school funding. At Pro 16 Plus, we understand the unique challenges and intricacies of Post 16 Funding, and we are here to provide you with expert support and guidance.
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